• imgs
    Aging Well Partners
  • Oct 04
  • 2 min

Walking for Wellness

Walking for Wellness


Lace up those shoes and let’s hit the pavement.

Covid-19 has done us all no favors when it comes to getting off the couch, out of the house and moving our bodies.  Many have begun to call the couch their “best friend”, spending roughly 2-4 hours there daily!  And we all know that sitting and inactivity is as hard on our bodies and minds as regularly smoking.  So let’s change that.

Walking is a universal exercise that most of us have access to at any given time.  Even if you are mobility impaired, getting outside for some fresh air and sunshine is better for your body and brain than sitting on the couch in front of a television or gaming station.  Investing in a decent pair of walking shoes is a good idea; you certainly don’t want to start walking consistently and end up in pain due to poor shoes and/or support.  Decent walking shoes can be found at your local discount stores (TJMaxx, Ross Dress for Less or Kohl’s) at a reasonable price.  If you are the thrift shop type, you may be lucky enough to find a pair of gently worn shoes at your Goodwill or Father Joe’s Village secondhand store.

According to the American Medical Association, walking 30 minutes per day, at a relaxed pace, can promote sustained weight management.  If you pick up the pace, you may find that the 30 minutes begins to result in weight loss.  Either way, walking every day can rev up your metabolism, boost your mood, and energize your body.  Call a friend,  Join a Meet Up walking group.  Ask that group of women or men that walk by your house every morning if you can join them.  Or spend some downtime with yourself, walking and enjoying the sights and sounds around you.  However you manage to do it, get outside and pound the pavement today.  Your body and mind will thank you!