• imgs
    Aging Well Partners
  • Oct 10
  • < 1 min

Vitamin D for Life

Vitamin D for Life

The sunlight vitamin – vitamin D.  We get this essential vitamin through diet, supplementation, and sunlight.  As we age, however, our ability to soak up the necessary sunlight to produce enough vitamin D for our bodies to function at peak levels decreases.  This means we need to get our vitamin D more through what we eat and by taking supplements.

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, “vitamin D deficiency has been linked to various health problems, including cognitive decline, depression, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer”.  Therefore, it is imperative we get the proper amounts of vitamin D each day.

Talk with your primary care provider about checking your vitamin D level – a quick blood test will reveal if you are getting enough or need to supplement your diet to reach the necessary level for your body’s optimal functioning.

Stay well, San Diego!